Pet Rescue

Pet Rescue
Please Save Us

Thursday, November 11, 2010


We say goodnight and give our prayers to Annie, a 1 year old brown/white Pit. We worked so many hours on you, baby, but in the end we failed as mankind. You are beautiful! We will see you running on that Rainbow Bridge, give Poe a kiss for me xoxo


I died today.
I died because a human said I had to.
I died because a human wouldn't love me.
Strangers loved me, people who I never met, but
The ones I did meet, didn't love me.
So, I died today.

I died today because I didn't do anything wrong.
I didn't bite anyone, nor steal toys.
I didn't bark or growl alot
Friend to all, foe to none.
But, I died today.

I died today wanting to run
Feel cool grass under my paws
I wanted to feel the sun on my fur 
And smell the flowers from afar.
I didn't do any of this
For, I died today.

I died today and went straight to Heaven.
A good girl, I am!
I see so many friends up here!
But looking down, I also see so many also
Many friends in danger! Oh no!
They will also die, unless a human can love them.
A human will also tell them they have to die.

Know how I know all this?
Because I died today.

By - Joanne Sweeney 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here Is Our First Blog For Pet Rescue

Hi Everyone as you know Joanne and I run many pages and groups. This new page is Joanne's baby. The page is called Pet Rescue and it's main mission is to save as many pets that are in shelters who are on death row due to mainly over crowding but also because they were abandoned or abused. 

Alot of these shelters just don't have the space or the money to keep these animals alive or safe. Unfortunately this is the sad reality with this country.  

There are a majority of these shelters are Kill Shelters, which means they can only hold an animal for on average 5-7 days and some even shorter. And some just don't care and are unfortunately run like concentration camps where all the animals who are scheduled for death are herded into a room and then they are gassed to death. 

While a majority of these Kill Shelters are mainly humane there are a few bad apples that give them all a bad name. The Pet Rescue page is trying to find homes for these animals on death row from all over the country. 

What they do is go to the many shelter pages and find the animals that need to be rescued fast and they post them to their members so the world to see and find them homes. They have been very successful so far saving animals all over the country. But they need your help.

They are also looking to network with more shelters and pet advocates to get the word out and save more pets. So if you you are one or know anyone please have them post on the wall there so they can get everything coordinated and help save more pets. 

Please check out the page and click Like. They are not asking for any money, they are asking that you help them find homes for the animals. You may know someone who is looking for a new pet that needs a loving home or maybe you are looking. But they need you to help get the word out.

Please if you can find it in your heart to save a needy pet who will die if they don't find a home fast please help. And even if you cant take a pet but you want to help out the page then post it on the wall that you want to help and one of the many admins will be glad to get you started.

Thank you very much.